Jen Lilley Fan - The Official FanSite
Jen Lilley Fan - The Official FanSite
Your online source for Jen Lilley
Posted on
Jul 13, 2021

Website Revamp

Hi all! As you can see the main website has had a little bit of a revamp. We’re no longer using social media for the website so bookmark the site and check back regularly for new updates. The website itself is never going anywhere!

I’ve recently added a lot of new photos to the gallery – mostly event photo additions.

If you haven’t yet make sure to check out Jen’s “Christmas Is Not Cancelled: Camp Christmas In July” campaign to fill 2021 backpacks for foster kids going back to school — you can also win up to $25,000 in prizes by helping the campaign.

Check out their YOUTUBE video to meet the founders of “Christmas Is Not Cancelled”.